I needed this to take a deep dive into where I want to go in my future, I faced it with nervousness, excitement and more importantly an open mind.  It was possibly the most profound time in my life, a new direction, moment, new purpose, a lot of emotion and vulnerability from everyone …but f**k me …what a time ! Its powerful …really powerful and you won’t get it , until you get it. 

- Ben Jones - Zero 1.0

It felt like my life was moving at 100mph and I didn’t seem to find the space to get hold of what was important to me. I was surrounded by superficial goals that didn’t really speak to my values.

Zero arrived at a time when I was doing lots of soul searching around who I was in the world and what would drive me forward in a meaningful way. It didn’t disappoint.

The process of stripping away all the unnecessary noise and building purpose driven habits, rituals and goals through breath work, meditation, cold water immersion, sensory depravation was both life affirming and life changing for me. Not to mention the formation a brotherhood with other high performing, driven men.

The whole thing, from start to finish was all focused on my needs and my intentions and it had just the right balance of physical work, deep exploration, camaraderie, spiritual enlightenment and intellect. I left with clear long term goals, an adjusted mindset, an acceptance of my identity and a refreshingly belief that I was capable of anything I put my mind to. I haven't looked back since and have walked away with a momentum, drive and genuine belief in my own ability.

Ciaran Henderson - Zero 1.0

I can’t understate the impact of Zero. When I spoke to Andy about coming on the retreat, I was at such a low ebb and completely burnt out. Now, 52 days on, I can sincerely say that I am a completely different person. Thanks to Zero, I’ve revolutionised my diet, I’ve incorporated exercise into every day and the daily addition of cold water immersion has been a total game changer. I’m grateful for what I have (as opposed to worrying about what I don’t have), I practice mindfulness without even thinking about it (excuse the pun!) and I’m able to practice self-compassion - something I’ve never managed before. Essentially, I’ve found a level of peace that has been lacking for as long as I can remember. I didn’t realise how impactful the retreat was at the time but, 7 weeks on, I’m so grateful for choosing to join Andy and the guys, and cannot recommend the experience enough.

Paul Cartwright - Zero 2.0

Although terms like "transformational" and "life-changing" are often overused, this past weekend I participated in men's optimization retreat that I feel will be life changing. As a result of this journey I took with 9 other men, involving solo night hikes, ice baths, fitness, breathwork, meditation, workshops to help us identify our values and begin to develop our purpose and vision, came away committed to pursuing the following: working to be more authentic, live more mindfully, feel greater self-love, and to have abundance in life, while helping others to do the same. These men have become my brothers. The teachers at this retreat were some of the brightest yet caring people I have ever met, and I am truly grateful for the wisdom they shared.

Dennis O’Connor - Zero 2.0